2017 Goals

I really hate resolutions. They are rarely ever successful and I just really don’t like them. What I do like are goals. A goal is just an aspiration that you’re working towards. It doesn’t have stipulations and can be carried over to the next year. This year, my goals are a mix of a lot of things; travel, fitness, and personal growth. I know already that some of these will be accomplished, but some I’m going to have to work at. Let me stop jabbering and just show you what they are.

* Be Able to Run 1 Mile
* Get through a whole workout without quitting/slowing down

* Visit a different Country

* Visit a state I’ve never been to

* Take compliments graciously

* To completely eliminate Dairy and Soy from my diet

* To finish remodeling the Kitchen

* To take more photos 

* To be in more photos

* I want to write more and keep it up even if it sucks.

* To edit the photos I take
Word/Mantra of 2017: Bold
I recently saw an Instagram post where this girl was talking about her word of the year. I’ve been thinking about it, and I’ve decided that my word for 2017 will be Bold. Not in the boldface type kinda way, but in the “boldly go where no man has gone before” kinda way. I want to do what God tells me to do and do it without shame. It’s a work in progress. Anywho, I realized I haven’t been posting on this blog and I want to start again. So let’s make this the best year ever and I’ll log back in around February 2018… just kidding. See ya next week interwebs ✌🏻️

Gain Flings Review!

Alright guys, so I know it’s been a while, but I just received the most amazing package in the mail and I had to share it with you. Influenster along with Gain sent me a box that included the new Gain Flings detergent pouches. The concept has been around for a while but OH MY GOSH do these smell good. I have a front loader washing machine so I was worried that I might not be able to use them, but then I saw on the package that it would work in both so I gave it a shot. I was actually surprised with the outcome. I usually purchase All Free & Clear because I have sensitive skin, but these cleaned my clothes wonderfully and I didn’t have any adverse reaction. I would highly suggest picking these up if you like the ease of the pre allotted pouches and the amazing smell.


(I received the Original scent, but Gain has also released another called Moonlight Breeze which I am excited to try out.)

Over Exercising.

I have the tendency to want to do something as soon as someone tells me not to. That is why, when my father told me to rest my pulled muscle I decided it was the perfect time for a mile run. Now I am no runner. I aim to be a runner one day, but I would settle for being a jogger. No, I am a walker. I enjoy taking short walks in Nature and not exhausting my asthmatic lungs. 

I don’t know if it was because I was listening to the right music, or the birds were just chirpin’ my name, but I ran a good 1/4 mile before almost collapsing in the middle of my street. I then decided it was a good time to start walking back, and I did just that panting all the way.

So now I am frustratingly icing my pulled muscle and hoping the weird noise my hip makes when I walk will go away soon. Are any of you like that? So stupidly stubborn that you cannot physically not do something when someone tells you not to? I can’t be the only one. Anywho, enjoy this lovely Sunday that I cannot enjoy. Much Love, Darby

What do you REALLY need to know Freshman year?


I’m not going to be staying in a dorm room or my own apartment this year, so if you’re looking for a packing list look here (link). This list is simply to help you make the most out of your College experience.

Take advantage of perks cards. For example, Win Dixie & Tom Thumb both have gas rewards cards that give you a discount for using them. Walgreens & CVS both have rewards cards with pretty good benefits. Also, if you shop at Target a lot, it might be worth it for you to get a Target debit card. You can only use it at Target, but it gives you 5% every time you use it.

Don’t buy anything from the Campus Bookstore that is not absolutely essential. Some classes have certain books that were made especially for your school, so you may have to purchase them there. But I would make sure to wait until after the first day of classes to get campus only books. Students who previously took the class will most likely be selling them for a discounted price. I personally like to use Amazon for buying and reselling textbooks, as they have a special Amazon student price. (Amazon student is Amazon Prime but 1/2 price) Chegg is also a good place to sell your used textbooks if you don’t find someone on campus to sell to.

Make Friends in Class. I know this might seem impossible in huge classes or if there is a time crunch in between classes, but this is super important. I’m not saying you have to become best buds, just friendly enough to be able to add them on Facebook without being creepy. These ‘one semester friends’ can be study partners, support systems and super helpful when you forget a pencil the day of finals! Most people in college are actually in a similar situation as you, as neither of you have your high school clique around. Remember that they’re probably just as lonely as you are! Lastly, don’t get discouraged if the first person you meet doesn’t become your bestie, just keep trying! (and you never know, you might meet a life long friend!)

Cary a map of the school with you. Not only will this help you the first day freshman year, but many more in the future. Keep a laminated/plastic protected copy in your backpack until you are completely confident in the entire campus. (This will also help you remember where you parked on the first day!)

Don’t plan anything during finals. Seriously, don’t do it. You think you’ll be able to manage it all like you did in high school, but you won’t. Just study. It’s fine to meet your friends at Panera for a study sesh, as long as you do just that. Study. Also, don’t slack off all semester and then try to cram for finals. It doesn’t work and you’ll be exhausted if you try. (Also, studies do say that you will forget most of the stuff you try to remember by cramming anyways. I learned that in my Freshman Psychology class. I made an A.)

Go To Class. Again, this seems like me trying to take away your fun. It isn’t. Some teachers give students with good attendance more slack on tests than students who don’t show up. Also, teachers sometimes put things on tests that you would only know if you heard them lecture (aka, not in the book). Oh, and don’t forget about the pop quizzes. Teachers actually do give them and they can really help bring up your grade. Not to mention some schools/teachers have an attendance policy set in place. So pay attention on the first day(syllabus day) to see if your teacher does.

Keep deodorant, hair ties and breath mints in your backpack. You’ll thank me later. I have Wintergreen Altoids because they taste yummy and are super strong. I have used them more times then I would like to count.

Invest in one of those french manicure white tip pens. They’re really easy and you always look like you have a salon mani/pedi. You can get one here (link)

That’s all I have for you! If you have any tips to surviving freshman year, leave them in the comments and I will add them to the list! Good luck freshman! Much Love, Darby

Music Overhaul

Excuse me for a second, are you listening to Umbrella..again? I think you need some new tunes. Fortunately for you, I have some! Old and new alike, my playlist will mellow your mood without bumming you out. And for fear of sounding like a stoner, here we go.



This lady has some insane pipes, and a journal full of heartbreaking songs to match. She has an album out, but I find myself listening to the same EP songs over and over. I adore EP’s. Some of my favorites of hers are linked down below with the youtube link.

Peter – link

Run (Acoustic) – link

Medicine – link

Youth – link

Landfill – link



This band is insane. Lyrically stable, but with vocals that are like toffee for your ears. They’re about to release an album, which I will be buying asap. After you have a listen, you will be too. 

Pompeii – link

Pompeii Acoustic – link

What Would You Do (City High cover) – link

Flaws – link


Gabrielle Aplin

Beautiful vocals, haunting almost. Her lyrics are extremely relatable. You will find yourself singing these in the car or whilst doing laundry, and that my friends, is a Darby King promise.

Panic Cord – link

Home – link

Please Don’t Say You Love Me – link


So thats what I’ve been listening to lately. If you have any suggestions for music I might like, leave me a comment so I can check it out. I hope y’all have a great weekend! Much Love, Darby

July Favorites

It is time again to say farewell to July and Hello August! I am beyond excited about August. I get to start school back up, the weather will start to get a tad less disgusting and I get to break out my close toed shoes! Woohoo! But as it happens, I had a very chill July(not in temperature, it was in the 90’s most of the month). I stayed at home a lot, cleaned, swam at my boyfriends and watched every single episode of Monk. Because of this, I only have a couple makeup favorites as I was letting my skin take a break. So without any more introduction, my July Favorites.


Popcorn Indiana Kettle Corn

This is the most delicious popcorn you will ever put in your mouth. It is sweet, a little crunchy, and best of all it has no Soy, which is great for me because of my recently discovered Soy allergy. I love the taste of this, and love the nutrition info even more. With only 4 ingredients, (Popcorn, Canola Oil, Salt, and Sugar) this has been a delicious lifesaver in the month of July.



Starbucks Via Instant Coffee

After discovering Vanilla Almond milk is delicious frozen, my mom and I were looking for a way to use it in a drink. We discovered that regular coffee that has been made in a coffee pot tastes watery in the milk even when made extremly strong. That is where the Via’s come in. What we do is mix a Via packet with around a tablespoon of hot water and stir that until all of the coffee has dissolved. Next, we fill our glass 3/4 of the way full with the frozen/slushy Vanilla flavored Almond milk and stir until the mixture is blended. After that, we fill the rest of the glass with ice and I add two Splenda to mine. (We use those lidded drink cups with the straws that are specifically made for iced drinks.) I promise you, this stuff is delicious and is perfect if you don’t drink a whole pot of coffee in the morning. You can also substitute cows milk or chocolate milk if you don’t like the kind we use.



Cetaphil Skin Restoring Moisturizer 

I really love this stuff because it doesn’t break me out, make my face look greasy, or irritate my extremely sensitive face. I like to use it as a night cream so when I wake up in the morning, my face is smooth and ready for foundation. 




Olay Fresh Effects BB Cream

I know that I haven’t been too keen on this in past posts, but since I haven’t been doing a full face of makeup every day, its gotten a lot of use. Its also nice that it has sunscreen, but i’m still not keen on the smell.



Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder 

This is my holy grail pressed powder. It is a tad thicker than a typical pressed powder, so I can wear it on it’s own with concealer or BB Cream and it actually gives me a little coverage. I own the Translucent and I will be buying more when I run out.




Now this is nostalgic for me, I started watching Monk with my parents when I was around 8, so I really did grow up with the characters. The show documents the life of a former homicide detective that had a psychotic break when his wife was killed in a car bomb. He struggles with extreme OCD, and a plethora of fears all while solving crimes for the San Francisco police department. If you like detective shows, or even just people being clever, you need to watch this.



Pompeii by Bastille (Acoustic)


Two Fingers by Jake Bugg



Beautiful by Ben Rector



Those are my favorites! Sorry about the stock photos, my camera is freaking out on me and I needed to post this before it got to be too much past July. I promise I will have original photos next post! What are your favorites from July? Let me know in the comments! Much Love, Darby

Travel the World

Have you ever just wanted to leave? Not because you hate where you are or are having a bad time, just because you feel like you need to experience the world? I’ve been feeling like that all day today. I even checked to see how much it would be to fly to London/LA. I just want to experience the world. I know I need to stay here and finish school, but if I’m being honest with myself, my heart is on a plane to somewhere foreign. Have you ever felt this way? Let me know so I don’t feel like such an oddball.

These pictures are aiding in my traveling pains..

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